9 Ways to keep your child occupied during school holidays

holiday activities

Due to the global pandemic, holiday plans have to be cancelled and to curb the spread of COVID-19, we are highly encouraged to stay indoors. Instead of letting your child spend all their time on the computer during their school holidays, you can spice up their holiday plans with these 9 different holiday activities! 

9 holiday activities to keep your child occupied during school holidays 

Here are 9 fun ways to stay safe and have a great school holiday indoors!

1 – Online group games 

There are more options now for online games that can cater to a larger group of friends. Here are some games that your child can play with their friends or family! 

  1. Online escape rooms 
  2. Jackbox TV (on Steam) 
  3. Skribbl io 
  4. Psych! (on mobiles, Apple and Android) 

Read also: 40 Online Educational Resources That Will Fuel Child Growth

2 – Pick up a hobby during school holidays 

Picking up a hobby has great perks, it helps to build your child’s confidence and they are able to spend their school holidays in a fun way. It also builds them as a person and fuels their learning growth. 

Additionally, having a hobby allows your child to have an outlet for when they feel stressed out or out of place when they go back to school. 

Encourage your child to pick up a hobby today! 

Here are some ideas about the types of hobbies your child can take up: 

– Gardening 

– Art

– Music

Alternatively, here is a list of 50 low-cost hobbies your child can pick up. 

3 – Make something for your loved ones 

Get creative and make something for your extended family members or friends that your child is unavailable to see right now. Go old school and mail them a letter, a small gift, a care package to wish them well. 

4 – Learn new skills as holiday activities

Skills can either be hard or soft skills. One great way to start exploring their interests would be Skillshare. Skillshare has a variety of useful courses (music, art, technology and many more). Skillshare offers a free trial for all new sign-ups! Head on over to find out if any of the courses interest your child! 

Another great website that helps growing students discover their interests is Coursera. Coursera offers free lectures on topics such as the environment, global issues, politics and many more. However, if you want access to graded assignments and earn a course certificate, you will need to pay. 

Learning a skill also builds on your child’s future prospects and resume! 

5 – Family activities as holiday activities around the house 

Organise weekly family activities and spend time with your loved ones. Your family can all agree to make dinner one night together, or even sit down and have a meal together if getting together is difficult due to different work schedules. 

A conscious effort goes a long way, making time to sit down with the family can build stronger bonds. It will strengthen your family relationship and give your child an opportunity to feel close and safe with the family. 

If you have younger children that are more active around the house, organise fun workshops indoors for your kids. Do some hands-on activities such as doing puzzles, building a miniature house, painting, sculpting. 

6 – Outdoor activities 

Outdoor activities can still be carried out with safe distancing measures. You can bring your child to the park to learn how to ride a bike, rollerskate, play ball games, etc. 

7 – Keep up with the curriculum during school holidays

For younger children, tuition lessons do not have to be as frequent as when your child is in school. Tuition lessons can be lighter for your kids. Online tuition is a great way to keep up with the curriculum during their school holidays. 

With Tutopiya, you can choose to take 1-2 hours of lessons every alternate day. Scheduling lessons with Tutopiya is convenient and easy. You can book your tutor’s available slots and lessons will be conducted on scheduled days. 

This helps your child to keep up with their schoolwork while giving them the flexibility to do fun things during their holidays. 

8 – Movie marathon 

It could be one of those ‘chill’ days where everybody glues their eyes to the tv and indulge in a good few movies for the day. 

9 – Volunteering work 

The needy will always need our help, you can enquire about volunteering work at your community centres. Additionally, you can search online and find out if they have any ongoing volunteering opportunities. 

Here are some volunteering opportunities your child and you can look into during the school holidays 

– Foreign workers

– Low-income families or elderlies 

– Rescue animals 

– Disable children 

In a nutshell, school holidays can be fun and enriching, and it all boils down to how your child utilises their time! Tutopiya wishes all to stay safe and healthy during this time. 


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