Homeschooling Simplified: Virtual Open House for Online Homeschooling


Are you confused as to whether a homeschooling program would work for you? Our Experts Help You Find The Confidence You Need To Make Homeschooling Work.

We have been there and we understand how difficult it is to know where to begin. Who wouldn’t want the best for their children after all?

Let’s face it, with the current situation resulted from the ongoing pandemic, you don’t have years to investigate all of the possibilities. You have work to do and the rest of the world to deal with!

This is why we want to make things easier for you, whilst we have all the expertise and resources to help you out.

Meet our homeschooling experts who are ready to share their knowledge, tips and tricks to help you get started with your homeschooling journey.

They will break it down for you into bite-sized and edible chunks, much like the cliff notes from the years they have spent figuring out what works.

By the end of the open house, you’ll be prepared (and perhaps even inspired) for your first year of homeschooling.

Topics Covered at the Open on A Homeschooling Program

1. Q & A session for parents
2. Introduction to the Homeschooling Program
3. Who is it is for and why Homeschooling should be your choice
4. Package details
5. Subjects offered
6. Pricing

Join us at 4pm on the 4th of September 2021 for this amazing opportunity of meeting our experts, clarifying any doubts and get all the information you need to get started with Online Homeschooling.

Click below to register for the open house right away!  

Fill the Registration Form now to Register today and block your slot.

You will have opportunity to ask questions, network with other parents that have been impacted by COVID-19, explore next steps to starting your Homeschooling journey and learn more about the lessons and curriculums and much more about Homeschooling.

Fill out the form below and we will email you the webinar video.