How to share study material and resources on the platform

This guide shows you how to share documents, study material and related resources with the updated homework tab feature.

The homework tab on the student portal is now improved to allow sharing a wider variety of content with your Tutor, ask questions, and get help with different subjects.

A. How to share documents, study material and other related resources with Tutors

Enables sharing study materials such as textbooks, worksheets, notes, assignments, and homework with tutors (documents and links).










1. Select Homework tab
2. Select the tutor
3. Select share with tutor

Though it is called the “homework” tab, it is not limited to homework only. You can share any subject-related content and ask questions or even share links, images, and documents.

1. Click the arrowhead and add the subject name – *Mandatory

2. Click the arrowhead and select the tutor’s name – *Mandatory

3. Type the homework title – *Mandatory

4. Type the description – optional

5. Use share link to share icon to share a link OR Use upload option to upload any type of file Ex. Word, Excel, PPT, JPEG, PDF.

IMPORTANT: The file name should be shorter / minimum characters. It should not contain special characters other than English Alphabet and Roman numerals.










Filter options – This enables to view/search documents history

  • Filter by Homework received/submitted date
  • Filter by status

B. How to access study material shared by Tutors

This allows you to access study materials such as textbooks, worksheets, notes, assignments, and homework shared by the tutor (documents and links).


  1. Select the Homework tab
  2. Click the arrowhead and Select tutor
  3. Select view to download the file

4. Select download to view the file

C. How to share documents: Editing and Deleting after submission

This enables users to delete or edit homework/study material submitted if needed.

  1. Select the Homework tab
  2. Select the tutor
  3. Select view to edit or delete the file
  4. Click delete to delete the submitted file

How to share documents



5. Click Edit to resubmit after editing

How to share documents









6. Add Description

7. Paste the link if applicable OR

8. Upload the file

9. Click Save

how to share documents

D. Offline Chat with Tutors

This enables communication with tutors via offline chat to clear doubts/clarifications regarding shared documents and lessons.

  1. Select the Homework tab
  2. Select the Subject
  3. Select the file which has concerns to clarify and select view
  4. Scroll down the screen and towards right side you may find the chat option
  5. Type in messages OR
  6. Share links OR
  7. Share documents
  8. Then click the right arrowhead to send

how to share documents

Important: Notifications are automatically generated so that the tutor is notified when you submit content via this section, therefore this eliminates the need to get customer support help check if the material has been correctly received.

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